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Question 1:

Licensed Practical Nurse


Question 2:

Registered Nurse-8

Licensed Practical Nurse-3,4





Question 1:

1. Teaching about food high in sodium

2. Explain the importance for alternating rest periods with exercise to the patient and family

3. Advise patient about limiting food high in salt and fluid




Question 1:

Ask the patient belief about narcotics and addiction


Question 2:

Encourage verbalization of his fears and past experiences




Question 1:

Show me where is your pain and describe how does it feel compare to yesterday. 




4. Assisting the patient with oral hygiene.












Question 1:

"Because feeding tubes are flexible, a guide wire or stylet is used to provide rigidity that facilitates positioning."


Question 2:

Pull the tube back and attempt to reinsert. 


Question 3:

1. Suction airway as needed
2. Remove feeding tube
3. Position patient on the side


Question 4:

Advance the tube until the mark is even with the naris and verify correct tube placement.


Question 5:

Call the physician; get an order to remove the feeding tube and insert a new feeding tube in the opposite naris.


Question 6:

A:3, B:4, C:2, D:1




Question 1:

Assess the vital signs


Question 2:

Discontinue the transfusion


"A unit of blood should be administered within a 4 hour period of time. The nurse should discontinue the 
transfusion, document the findings and notify the blood bank. The agency policy will need to be followed concerning the documentation process and notification of appropriate personnel. Continuing the transfusion with the "open" unit will expose the client to an increased risk of injury."




Question 1:

Fluid overload




Question 1:

Number 3

1. Oral surgeries are associated with transient bacteremia, and the client cannot donate for 72hours after an oral surgery.

2.The client cannot donate blood following rubella immunizations for one (1) month.
3. CORRECT: The client cannot donate blood for 6months after a pregnancy because of the nutritional demands on the mother.
4.Recent allergic reactions prevent donation because passive transference of hypersensitivity can occur. This client has an allergy that developed during childhood"




Question 1:

The solutions are not compatible (5% dextrose will hemolyze red cells)


Question 2:

1. Check the tubing for kinks

2. Reposition the client's wrist and elbow



Correct Answer: 3, 1, 4, 2, 5

3. This client may be chilling, indicating a potential rise in temperature. The nurse should assess the client and the temperature to see if interventions should be initiated based on a progression of the septicemia.

1. This client should be assessed to be sure that the client is stable because there was chest pain during the last shift.

4. The nurse should assess the client next because although confusion is expected, the nurse must determine whether any new situation is occurring.

2. This client has a psychosocial need but it must be addressed and steps implemented to resolve the problem.

5. A dressing change can take some time to complete. This is a physiological situation but not a life-threatening one and the nurse should see this client when he/she has time to perform the dressing change. 




Question 1:

Assess pH of the aspirated contents


Question 2:

Flush with 30-50 ml water before and after feeding




Question 1:

Mouth care


Question 2:

1. Explain that morphine does not cause death but effectively relieve pain and afford greater dignity in patient last days.

2. The change of LOC by the patient is not only caused by morphine neurotoxicity but also the progression of the illness of the patient.




Question 1:

1. Care focuses on controlling symptoms and relieving pain 

2. A multidisciplinary team provides care. (5) Bereavement care is provided to the family


Question 2:

1. Avoid people who have recently received attenuated vaccines 

2. Avoid activities that may cause bleeding

3. Wash hands frequently

4. Avoid crowded places, such as shopping malls


Question 3:

1. Fluctuations in the water-seal chamber occur when the client breathes

2. Intermittent bubbling occurs in the water-seal chamber

3. Gentle bubbling occurs in the suction control chamber

4. Drainage is collecting in the drainage chamber

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1651 route 241, Shefford, Quebec, J2M 1L4, Canada

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