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Fecal transplant "The power of feces".

As long as humans and animals exist, we will have an abundant supply of poop, feces, stool, manure or dung, whatever you call it. In the Bristol Scale Chart, there are seven types of human stools, some are hard and some are soft or sometimes watery "If you have diarrhea". They also come out in different shapes, there are sausage shape and also some looks like nuts or pillets.

Bristol Stool Chart

"Bristol Stool Chart is used to classify the types of human stools, in order for doctors or nurses to give appropriate interventions. Type 1 and 2 are considered constipation, wherein 3 and 4 are the ideal stools, 5,6, or 7 are tending towards diarrhea."

Image credit:

Feces are not just waste product we may also use it for something good, not to mention it is natural and economical. Oh sure, you know about fertilizer and also as a source of energy especially from chickens, cows and pigs. But there are plenty of other ways we can use our feces like the most expensive coffee came from a poop of an Asian palm civet and it is use in medicine called fecal transplant or fecal barteriotherapy or the fancy one Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT).

Fecal Transplant

Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which the feces is collected from a donor, mixed with a solution and placed in a patient via colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema.

The purpose of the transplant is to replaced the good bacteria suppressed or killed usually by antibiotic therapy (high dose or long term use) that causes Clostridium difficile colonization (bad bacteria). C. diff. infection is debilitating, it may cause severe diarrhea that could lead to dehydration and also C. diff colitis (inflammation of the colon). C. diff is alarming, because the incidence is on the rise throughout the world. It is transmitted by contact to person who has diarrhea specially if that person's hand is contaminated.

The youngest ever recepient of fecal transplant has been featured on the popular TV show "The doctors", wherein the young child was found out to have a C. diff colitis and the option they have for the lil boy Jessie is to transplant his mother's good bacteria (feces) to him.

Video credit: The Doctors (

Fecal transplant is promising also to other digestive or autoimmune diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis. Although more research is needed.

Fecal transplant is low cost, low risk, and highly effective treatment.

Extra readings:

How to prevent C. diff transmission in Hospitals?

1. Infected patients are placed in isolation or private room.

2. Proper handwashing.

3. Use of personal protective equipment (gowns or gloves).

Visitors or family should not bring any materials to the patient's room such as wallet or bag unless they put it inside the plastic bag and also they are not allowed to visit other rooms after visiting their love ones. A sign will be posted in the patient's door to remind employees and visitors to remind them to wash their hands and respect the precaution.


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