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Rose-thorn disease

Rose thorn disease

Rose-thorn disease or rose-gardeners disease (AKA sporotrichosis) is a disease caused by the infection of the fungus Sporothrix Schenckii. This fungal disease usually affects the skin, although other rare forms can affect the lungs, joints, bones, and even the brain. It's hard to imagine that a beautiful flower like the rose which we commonly give as a gift to our loved ones specially during Valentine's Day can spread such disease. S. schenckii is usually found in soil, hay and plants. To cause an infection, it enters through small cuts or abrasion in the skin, it usually affects farmers or gardeners. Some rare form of the disease occur when spores are inhaled thereby affecting the lungs. Rose-thorn disease can also acquired by handling cats with the disease, it is an occupational hazard for veterinarians.

The disease progresses slowly - the first symptoms may appear 1 to 12 weeks (average 3 weeks) after the initial exposure to the fungus.

skin lesions


Skin: Pink to purple

nodular lesions or bump.

Lungs: Productive cough, fibrosis, swollen hilar lymph node can lead to tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Bones: Bony lesion and infection.

CNS: Menigitis.

Others: Weight loss, anorexia, nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis: Sporotrichosis is a chronic disease with slow progression and often subtle symptoms. It is difficult to diagnose, as many other diseases share similar symptoms and therefore must be ruled out.

  1. Culturing S. schenkii.

  2. Lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fluid.


Wear long sleeves and gloves when handling with soil and rose bushes.

Rose farming


Treatment of sporotrichosis on the skin includes:

  1. Saturated potassium iodide for skin lesions.

  2. Itraconazole. An antifungal medication.

  3. Excision and drainage.

  4. Heat for temporary relief to the pain

Treatment of disseminated sporotrichosis includes:

  1. Itraconazole.

  2. Amphotericin B.

  3. Surgery for infected bone.

Treatment of pulmonary sporotrichosis includes:

  1. Itraconazole.

  2. Amphotericin B.

  3. Surgery for pulmonary lesions.

Treatment of sporotrichosis meningitis includes:

  1. Amphotericin and flucytosine.

  2. Itraconazole.


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