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"Step-by-Step Guide to Safe and Accurate Preparation of Medication from an Ampule"

Withdrawing medication from an ampule is a medical procedure used to obtain a specific amount of liquid medication for administration. Ampules are small, glass containers that are used to store medication under sterile conditions. To withdraw medication from an ampule, you will need a syringe, a needle, and an ampule opener. The following steps outline the process of withdrawing medication from an ampule:

1. Follow the organization's practice to determine if a filter needle is indicated.

2. When using a filter needle or straw, remove or replace it with a needle of the appropriate gauge and length for the injection.

3. Use strict asepsis when preparing an injection from an ampule.

4. Establish a "No Interruption Zone" when preparing medications.

5. If the patient expresses concern regarding accuracy of a medication, do not give the medication.

6. Explore the patient's concern, notify the practitioner, and verify the order.

Prepare the ampule:

1. Tap the top of the ampule lightly and quickly with your finger until the fluid moves out of the neck of the ampule. 2. Place a small gauze pad or unopened alcohol swab around the neck of the ampule (or use an ampule opener). 3. Quickly and firmly snap the neck of the ampule, pulling the top of the ampule toward you, with the opening of the ampule facing away from your hands and face. 4. Set ampule on a flat surface.

To Draw the Medication:

1. Attach a filter needle or filter straw long enough to reach the bottom of the ampule to the appropriate sized syringe.

2. Withdraw medication by inverting ampule and placing filter needle tip in liquid without touching the rim of the ampule OR by tipping ampule and placing filter needle in liquid without touching the rim.

3. Reposition ampule so that needle tip remains in the liquid.

4. Draw up the medication quickly, keeping the needle tip under the surface of the liquid.

5. Tip the ampule to bring all of the fluid within reach of the needle.

6. If you aspirate air bubbles, do not expel the air into the ampule.

7. Instead, to expel excess air bubbles, remove the needle from the ampule. Hold the syringe vertically, with the needle pointing up. Tap the side of the syringe, so that the air bubbles rise toward the needle. Draw the plunger back slightly, and push the plunger upward to eject the air. Do not eject the fluid.

8. If the syringe contains excess fluid, use the sink for disposal.

9. To do so, hold the syringe vertically with the needle tip up and slanted slightly toward the sink.

10. Slowly eject the excess into the sink.

11. Recheck the fluid level in the syringe by holding the syringe vertically.

12. Carefully cover the filter needle with its safety sheath or cap, and remove it from the syringe.

13. Replace the filter needle with a regular safety needle of the appropriate gauge and length for the injection.

14. Discard the filter needle in the appropriate container.


What will the nurse do if liquid is trapped in the neck of the ampule?

Answer: Use quick, light finger taps on the top of the ampule to move the liquid.

What is the greatest safety concern when withdrawing medication from an ampule?

Answer: Withdrawing glass particles into the syringe.

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