"Unlocking the Meaning Behind Medical Terminology: A Guide to Understanding Prefixes in Healthcare"
Medical terminology can often seem like a foreign language, with words that are seemingly unpronounceable and difficult to understand. But did you know that many of these terms can be broken down into smaller, more manageable components? That's where medical prefixes come in. These linguistic elements provide essential information about the meaning of a medical term and can help you to understand the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of a wide range of medical conditions. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at some of the most commonly used medical prefixes, demystifying their meanings and helping you to make sense of the complex terminology used in healthcare. Whether you're a student studying medicine, or simply someone who wants to have a better understanding of their health, this guide is for you.
A-, An- | Without; Lacking | Anemia |
Andr/o- | Male | Androgen |
Anti- | Against | Anticholinergic drugs |
Auto- | Self | Autocrine |
Bio- | Life | Biology |
Chem/o- | Chemistry | Chemotherapy |
Contra- | Against | Contraception |
Cyt/o- | Cell | Cytokine |
Dis- | Separation; Taking apart | Dissection |
Eu- | Good; Well | Eupnea |
Fibr/o- | Fiber | Fibrosis |
Gluco-, Glyco- | Glucose; Sugar | Glycogen |
Gyn/o-, Gynec- | Female | Gynecology |
Hydr/o- | Water | Hydrocephalus |
Idio- | Self; One’s own | Idiopathic |
Lyso-, Lys- | Break down; Destruction; Dissolving | Lysosome |
Mal- | Bad; Abnormal | Malignant |
Myc/o- | Fungus | Mycetoma |
Necr/o- | Death | Necrosis |
Neo- | New | Neonate |
Oxy- | Sharp; Acute; Oxygen | Oxytocin |
Pan-, Pant/o- | All or everywhere | Pancytopenia |
Pharmaco- | Drug; Medicine | Pharmacist |
Re- | Again; Backward | Rejuvenation |
Somat/o-, Somatico- | Body; Bodily | Somatic cell |
Dys- | Difficult; Abnormal | Dyspnea |
Acous/o- | Hearing | Acoustic meatus |
Aden/o- | Gland | Adenoid |
Adip/o | Fat | Adipocyte |
Adren/o- | Gland | Adrenal cortex |
Angi/o- | Blood vessel | Angioplasty |
Arteri/o | Artery | Arteriole |
Arthr/o- | Joint | Arthroplasty |
Bucc/o- | Cheek | Buccal cavity |
Bronch/i- | Bronchus | Bronchioles |
Burs/o- | Bursa | Bursitis |
Carcin/o- | Cancer | Basal cell carcinoma |
Cardi/o- | Heart | Cardiology |
Cephal/o- | Head | Cephalic flexure |
Chol- | Bile | Cholelithiasis |
Chondri- | Cartilage | Chrondrosarcoma |
Coron- | Heart | Cardiology |
Cost- | Rib | Costal cartilage |
Crani/o- | Brane | Cranium |
Cutane- | Skin | Cutaneous |
Cyst/o-, Cysti- | Bladder or sac | Cystoscopy |
Derm-, Dermat/o- | Skin | Dermatologist |
Duoden/o- | Duodenum | Duodenitis |
Gastr- | Stomach | Gastrectomy |
Gloss- | Tongue | Glossectomy |
Hem-, Hema-, Hemat/o- | Blood | Hematopoiesis |
Hepat/o-, Hepatico- | Liver | Hepatic portal system |
Hist/o-, Histio- | Tissue | Histology |
Hyster/o- | Uterus | Hysterectomy |
Ileo- | Ileum | Ileostomy |
Ichi/o- | Ischium | Ischial tuberosity |
Kerat/o- | Corena (eye or skin) | Keratin |
Lacrim/o- | Tear | Lacrimal fluid |
Lact/o-, Lacti- | Milk | Lactose |
Laryng/o- | Larynx | Laryngitis |
Lingu/o- | Tongue | Lingual Tonsil |
Lip/o- | Fat | Lipolysis |
Lymph/o- | Lymp | Lymphocyte |
Mamm-, Mast/o- | Breast | Mammary glands |
Mening/o- | Meninges | Meningitis |
Muscul/o- | Muscle | Musculoskeletal |
My/o- | Muscle | Myocardium |
Myel/o | Spinal cord or bone marrow | Myelin |
Nephr/o- | Kidney | Nephron |
Neur/i-, Neur/o- | Nerve | Neuron |
Oculo- | Eye | Oculomotor nerve |
Onco- | Tumor; Bulk; Volume | Oncogene |
Onych/o- | Fingernail; Toenail | Onychodystrophy |
Oo- | Egg; Ovary | Oocyte |
Oophor/o- | Ovary | Oophorectomy |
Op-, Opt- | Vision | Optic nerve |
Opthalm/o- | Eye | Opthalmic artery |
Orchid/o-, Orchio- | Testis | Orchidectomy |
Orth/o- | Straight; Normal; Correct | Orthostatic |
Osseo- | Bony | Osseous tissue |
Ossi- | Bone | Ossicles |
Ost-, Oste/o- | Bone | Osteoporosis |
Ot/o- | Ear | Otolaryngologist |
Ovar/i-, Ovario-, Ovo-, Ovi- | Ovary | Ovarian follicle |
Phalang- | Phalanx | Phalanges |
Pharyng/o | Pharynx; Throat | Pharyngeal tonsil |
Phleb/o- | Vein | Phlebotomist |
Phren/i-, Phreno-, Phrenico- | Diaphragm | Phrenic nerve |
Pleur-, Pleur/a-, Pleur/o- | Rib, Pleura | Pleural cavity |
Pneum/a-, Pneumat/o- | Air; Lung | Pneumonia |
Proct/o- | Anus; Rectum | Procto |
Prostat- | Prostate | Prostatectomy |
Pseudo- | False | Pseudostratified |
Psych/o-, Psyche- | Mind | Psychiatrist |
Radio- | Radiation; Radius | Radioisotopes |
Ren/o- | Kidney | Renal cortex |
Rhin/o- | Nose | Rhinoscope |
Salping/o- | Tube | Salpingo-oophorectomy |
Sarco- | Muscular; Flesh-like | Sarcomere |
Schiz/o- | Split; Cleft | Schizophrenia |
Sclera-, Sclero- | Hardness | Sclerosis |
Sigmoid/o- | Sigmoid colon | Sigmoidoscopy |
Sperma-, spermo-, spermato- | Sperm | Spermatocyte |
Splen/o- | Spleen | Splenomegaly |
Sten/o- | Narrowed; Blocked | Stenosis |
Stern- | Sternum | Sternoclavicular joint |
Stom/a-, Stomat/o- | Mouth | Stomatitis |
Thorac/o-, Thoracico- | Chest | Thoracic cavity |
Thromb/o- | Blood clot | Thrombolytic |
Thyr/o- | Thyroid gland | Thyroiditis |
Trache/o- | Trachea | Trachealis |
Tympan/o- | Eardrum | Tympanic membrane |
Ur/o- | Urine | Urologist |
Varic/o- | Duct; Blood vessel | Varicose vein |
Vasculo- | Blood vessel | Vasculitis |
Ven/o- | Vein | Vena cava |
Vertbr- | Vertebra; Spine | Vertebral column |
Chlor/o- | Green | Chlorophyll |
Chrom-, Chromato- | Color | Chromosome |
Cyano- | Blue | Cyanosis |
Erythr/o- | Red | Erythrocyte |
Leuk/o- | White | Leukocyte |
Melan/o- | Black | Melanin |
Cry/o- | Cold | Cryotherapy |
Elect- | Electrical activity | Electrocardiogram |
Kin/o-, Kine-, Kinesi/o- | Movement | Kinetic energy |
Kyphy/o- | Humped | Kyphosis |
Rhabd/o- | Rod-shaped; Sriated | Rhabdomyosarcoma |
Phot/o- | Light | Photoreceptor |
Reticul/o- | Net | Reticulocytes |
Scoli/o- | Twisted | Scoliosis |
Therm/o- | Heat | Thermotherapy |
Ab-, Abs- | Away from | Abductor |
Ad- | Towards | Adductor |
Ante- | Before; Forward | Antenatal |
Circum- | Around | Circumcision |
Cycl- | Circle; Cycle | Cyclic neutropenia |
De- | Away from ; Ending | Dehydration |
Dia- | Across; Through | Diagnosis |
Ect/o-, Exo- | Outer; Outside | Exocrine gland |
End/o-, Ent-, Enter/o | Within; Inner | Endocrine gland |
Epi- | Upon; Outside of | Epidermis |
Ex-, Extra- | Beyond | Expiration |
Infra- | Beneath; Below | Infratemporal fossa |
Intra- | Within | Intracellular fluid |
Meso- | Middle | Mesoderm |
Meta- | Beyond; Change | Metabolism |
Para- | Alongside; Abnormal | Parathyroid glands |
Path/o- | Disease | Pathologist |
Peri- | Around | Pericardium |
Post- | Behind; After | Postpartum |
Pre- | Before; In front | Precancerous |
Retro- | Backward; Behind | Retropreitoneum |
Sub- | Under | Subcutaneous layer |
Super- | Above | Superior |
Supra- | Above; Upon | Supraglottis |
Sy-, Syl-, Sym-, Syn-, Sys- | Together | Syndrome |
Trans- | Across; Through | Transdermal |
BI- | Two | Biceps |
Brady- | Slow | Bradycardia |
Diplo- | Double | Diploid |
Hemi- | Half | Hemihypertrophy |
Hetero- | Other; Different | Heterogeneous |
Homo- | Same | Homozygous genotype |
Hyper- | Above; Beyond; Excessive | Hypertension |
Hypo- | Under; Deficient | Hypotension |
Iso- | Equal; Like | Isointense |
Macro- | Large; Long; Big | Macrophage |
Mic-, Micro- | Small | Microglia |
Mon-, Mono- | One | Monocyte |
Olig/o- | Few; Little | Oliguria |
Poly- | Many; Excessive | Polyuria |
Quadri- | Four | Quadriceps |
Semi- | Half | Semilunar valves |
Tachy- | Fast | Tachycardia |
Tetra- | Four | Tetralogy of Fallot |
Tri- | Three | Triceps |
Uni- | One | Unicellular |
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